For hobby gardeners and green professionals
*inspiration on usable ideas
*understanding through knowledge
*relaxation: well founded green infotainment!
Your host: Ivonne Smit
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
152: VanDusen Botanical Garden
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
This time, Ivonne explores VanDusen Botanical Garden in Vancouver! Join her when she strolls around the rododendron walk, Canadian heritage garden, vegetable garden and more highlights.
Ivonne learns which rododendron species are native in British Columbia. She enjoys the artwork in the garden. What’s so special about the ecoystem in the Pacific rainshadow forest? And how do First Nations look at the tamarack tree?
VanDusen Botanical Garden is a treat for the eye, mind and soul!
As always, you'll find more information and links in the shownote.
This episode is the last part of a series in 2023 of shows and blogs about Canadian gardens. Have you listened to the other episodes yet?
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
151: Utrecht University Botanic Gardens
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
Come along with Ivonne to the University Utrecht Botanic Gardens. She explores the Discovery Garden, greenhouses, butterfly house and more.
Listen to the story of the Evolution Garden. This garden was based on the ideas of the 20th century botanist Cronquist. Research has revealed that in many cases evolutionary relationships between flowering plants are completely different than we thought before. So, the contemporary Green Time Machine will replace the old Evolution Garden in 2024.
As always, you'll find more info and links in the shownote.
Sunday Sep 24, 2023
150: Halfhoutige stekken maken
Sunday Sep 24, 2023
Sunday Sep 24, 2023
Halfhoutige (ofwel halfrijpe) stekken maken lukt het beste tussen medio zomer en eind september. Timing, snelheid en de juiste stektechniek vergroten je kans op succes. Ivonne bespreekt daarom eerst de voorbereiding.
Volg Ivonne stap-voor-stap bij het nemen van halfhoutige stekken van de citroenverbena, een vorstgevoelige vaste plant. Ze legt telkens uit wat ze doet. Op de achtergrond geven haar kippen commentaar.
Ten slotte geeft ze jou tips over de verzorging en het verder opkweken van je stekken.
Zoals altijd vind je meer info in de shownote.
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
149: Op de drempel van een nieuw tuinjaar (2)
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Je tuin ‘naar bed brengen’ voor de winter? Geen sprake van! Tuinieren is een doorlopend proces, net als de natuur.
In dit tweede en laatste deel van haar ‘oudjaarsprogramma’ loodst Ivonne je door een aantal klusjes voor september en oktober. Verheug je alvast maar op het resultaat!
Zoals altijd, vind je meer informatie in de shownote.
Heb je deel 1 al beluisterd?
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
148: Op de drempel van een nieuw tuinjaar (1)
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
September …. Dat is een mooie maand voor een oudjaarsprogramma.
Huh? Zal je zeggen. Nou, voor je podcaster eindigt het tuinjaar zo ongeveer in september-oktober, om vloeiend over te lopen in een nieuwe kringloop van taken en belevenissen.
In september en begin oktober is er van alles te doen om je tuin te begeleiden naar de nieuwe cyclus.
In deze en de volgende aflevering trekt Ivonne haar tuinklompen aan om je vanaf haar eigen groene erf de nodige Discutips te geven voor de overgang van oud op nieuw!
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
147: Bugs in the garden
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Discutalk with Dr Barbara Tigar and Naser Jaberi Khormooji, University of Central Lancashire. They were 'busy with bugs' at RHS Flower Show Tatton Park 2023 when Ivonne met them.
Do you want to encourage the presence of tiny creatures in your garden? Perhaps it's wise to know a little about their lifestyle, especially their life cycle. Barbara gives you some nice design tips!
Naser explains how he came to appreciate bugs when preparing for the 'bug hub' at the show.
As always, you'll find more information and links in the shownote.
100% English episode
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
146: Cloud Gardener UK: designs for tortoises and small spaces
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Inspirational Discutalk with Mr. Jason Williams, also known as Cloud Gardener UK. He creates gardens, predominantly for renters with small spaces.
In his work, he supports communities. What are the ideas behind his alley garden design?
We speak about differences and similarities in legislation for British and Dutch renters. British landlords often don't allow their renters to garden. Or the rules are strict.
Wow, Jason Williams also creates a lush green space for a tortoise, as he explains!
As always, you'll find more information in the shownote.
100% English episode
Friday Aug 11, 2023
145: Formal designs at the Butchart Gardens
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Listen to the 3rd and last part of our tour in The Butchart Gardens! We explore some of the more formal designs: Japanese, Italian and Rose gardens. We catch a glimpse of Mrs. Butchart’s private garden, the only part that has never been open to the public.
At the end of the show Ivonne can't resist a second view on the impressive Sunken Garden. Standing near the edge she shares her thoughts about this huge tourist attraction. What can the gardens mean to you as a home gardener or green professional?
As always, you'll find more information in the shownote.
100% English episode
Listen to our 3 part summer special on The Butchart Gardens!
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
144: The Butchart Gardens: hints of Canadian history
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Part 2 of your The Butchart Gardens tour! We start at te bottom of the ‘mound’.
In this episode, we are confronted with dramatic changes of this place. And as a matter of fact, of the whole of Canada.
As always, you'll find more information in the shownote.
100% English episode
Listen to our 3 part summer special on The Butchart Gardens!
Monday Aug 07, 2023
143: Jennie Butchart’s Sunken Garden
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Ivonne explores the Sunken Garden of The Butchart Gardens in Canada.
This is the former location of a limestone quarry and cement plant!
How did Mrs. Jennie Butchart turn an industrial site into this stunning garden, … in 1904?
Lots of trees and bedding plants in hundreds of varieties are awaiting us. So let’s go!
As always, you'll find more information in the shownote.
100% English episode
Listen to our 3 part summer special on The Butchart Gardens!